Small Town Girl from Michigan Launches Travel Agency

Meet Erin, your travel planner and new BFF

erin fresh world travel co
meet erin fresh world travel co

I grew up in a beach town area, which meant I spent a lot of time outdoors and in the water. After graduating high school, I attended Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana, where I studied abroad in Rome.

After meeting Jake at an internship at Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, we quickly became best friends and got married in 2020.

In 2024, we moved from Michigan to Texas with our kiddo and our two dogs, Stella and Luna.

We have been on 2 international trips as a family as well as a cross country trip to Seattle, with no plans to stop traveling!

I love to read, exercise, and spend time outdoors hiking, swimming, kayaking, around a bonfire, and spending time with the people we love.

Thank you for being here! You can learn more about working with me by joining my Facebook groups:

  • Italian Travel

  • Small Group Travel for Adventurous Women

  • International Travel

  • McKinney Moms Travel Club

Where I’ve Been (so far)