Why You Should Be Booking Your 2023 Winter Travel NOW

It’s going to be NO surprise to you that I start by telling you that travel is expensive - increasingly expensive.

We’re currently in a sort of travel bubble.

Prices keep going up, and people keep paying them, so prices keep going up…. which means prices are not coming down anytime soon.

In the pre-COVID-19 days, we saw a lot more last minute deals and ways for travelers to save money by booking on a whim and catching a good price.

Now? Not so much.

The trouble with waiting to book is two fold.

If you wait to book, the options are not going to be great.

I’m talking about flight schedules, cabin options on the cruise ship, rooms at the hotel or resort - even the carriers themselves!

The quality suppliers are going to get booked up first, and you’ll be left with the least desirable choices, if there’s anything left at all for the resort or destination or flight or cruise you’re looking at.

This actually happened to me for a personal trip I was booking.

Instead of booking the seats on the last nonstop available for our dates, I decided to take the night to think on it.

In the morning when I logged back in to go for it, you guessed it!

I was looking at a sold out flight.

Pro- tip: Most major airlines give you a 24 hour window where you can cancel your flights with no penalty. Check this out for your airline and take advantage! If you’re even considering it, you can essentially put your seats on hold and take some time to decide if you’re going or not without the stress of the seats being sold out.

The other problem is that you’re going to be paying up for these least desirable choices.

Maybe you’ll catch a mistake fare, or you’re a member of Scott’s Cheap Flights and you can be super flexible with your dates. If this is the case, that’s awesome!

BUT - if you can’t be as flexible, and you don’t have hours each week to research and track flight, cruise, and hotel prices, it’s not worth it to wait.

Another reason you should be booking your winter travel now has to do with the flight schedules, and how they’re released.

Flight schedules come out 330 days (ish) in advance.

This means that you can book your roundtrip flights 330 days (ish) before your RETURN date.

Guess when 330 days (ish) from now is?

January, 2024!

We are in prime time for those November, December, and January travel dates to have ALL the options at your fingertips with probably the best pricing we’ll see.

Jake and I actually just booked our winter getaway - we’re spending a week in beautiful Playa del Carmen, Mexico.

My advice to you?

Create loyalty accounts, get your trip booked, and allow yourself to STOP WORRYING ABOUT IT.

Winter is a great time of the year to escape the cold if you live in the Midwest like me. Here are some helpful things to think about if you’re still deciding whether to travel somewhere this winter.

If the thought of planning your winter adventure is overwhelming and you’d literally rather not go than do it yourself, click the link below to get started!

We’ll take care the research and hand you a perfectly curated winter getaway with a (virtual) bow on top.


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