How to Figure Out When the Best Time to Visit a Destination is For You

It’s so easy to hop online and google “best time to visit Jamaica” or “when should I go to Turkey,”

but the problem with these searches is that the results aren’t specific to YOU.

Here are some of the main factors I use to help my travelers figure out when the best time for THEM is to visit their dream destination, if they don’t have specific dates.


The weather in most destinations fluctuates throughout the year.

Even if you’re considering a tropical destination that doesn’t really change in temperature very much, you likely have to consider rainy season, or hurricane season (for example, June to November in the Caribbean is the traditional hurricane season).

Some destinations have gorgeous seasons year round, but if you prefer warmer weather rather than extremely hot or snowing (for example), you’ll need to time your trip accordingly.

It’s important to note that some destinations, such as the Amalfi Coast in Italy, close down seasonally over the winter - you’ll need to understand the seasonality of your destination if you’re trying to visit during a specific season.


Usually you can expect the largest crowds at specific points in the year - summer break, spring break, and major holidays.

If you want to avoid major crowds on your trip, try to accommodate these events in your schedule and avoid visiting your destination during them.

You will also want to check the local calendars to see if there are concerts, golf tournaments, festivals, or other major events that will be drawing large crowds during your dates.


It’s no secret that travel is increasing in price, especially to major tourist destinations and popular cities.

The warmest and most beautiful times of the year (not too hot and not too cold) tend to cost more than the off season, so if budget is the major factor in your trip, consider visiting outside of this time frame.

Popular travel times like I mentioned above also tend to have a higher price tag, like the summer holiday and Christmas.

Which of these factors is the most important for you when traveling? Usually, it’s a balancing act of all three to find the very best options!


There is a lot to consider when you’re determining the best time for you to travel somewhere, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you’re researching a million blog posts.

Click the link below to start working with us to plan your perfect adventure.

We have lots of practice considering these factors above, along with everything else that goes into creating an amazing trip!


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