YAY! You've Decided to Hire Me to Plan Your Adventure… Now What?

You’ve filled out your inquiry form, we’ve had an AMAZING free consultation call via Zoom (that probably lasted longer than the 60 minutes it’s supposed to because we had so much fun), and I’ve sent over your invoice for my planning fee based on what you have asked me to do for you.

You are EXCITED about your travel plans and the STRESS of having to research and book and organize yourself is gone - you don’t have to worry about this anymore!

You’ve decided to hire me to play your vacay - now what?

The first thing you should know is that as soon as you let me know what you’ve decided, I’m probably screaming with joy because I’m excited too.  Ask Jake - this happens every time.

Maybe you’re screaming with joy too!  ESPECIALLY if we’re talking about planning your honeymoon - on top of wedding planning, honeymoon planning too?  That’s a LOT for you to work on, especially if you also have a life and a job and a relationship and self care practices and and and and

So WHAT HAPPENS now that you’ve hired me?

I send over a receipt to you for your research and design payment.  Keep this for your records!

While you kick back and STOP WORRYING about planning this adventure, I’m diving in to work.

I’ve been doing this a while, and I’ve established a strong network of people, suppliers, and contacts in the places I specialize in planning travel.  This means it’s pretty likely that during our Zoom call, I’ve probably already pulled together my medium to short list of people and suppliers I’m going to look into for your trip.

If your trip requires an itinerary to be built (like a 3 week, 6 city Italian honeymoon), I’m going to start with planning out ALL the logistics in the most efficient way.  I’m talking flight schedules, train travel time, anything cool happening in the cities I want to make sure you hit, etc.

This part can take anywhere from 2 days to a week, depending on various factors like how complex your trip is, how long you’re traveling for, and what’s going on in your destination.

I then go through my medium to short list of contacts and suppliers and check out pricing, availability, and how closely they can match YOUR vision for this trip.

I work with suppliers that offer FANTASTIC customer service.  I’m not scouring the budget booking sites for the cheapest option - I’m comparing various upscale, customer service focused, reputable suppliers to make the BEST trip I can for you based on your requirements and priorities.

Once I’ve found the suppliers/places/people/hotels that are the BEST match for you, I reach out to the best options on my list to make your to start compiling a proposal together.

This can take anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks (maybe longer) to hit my inbox after I talk with them.  

Once I have the proposal(s) back for you, I then compare them to decide which one is going to blow your socks off.  Sometimes I choose multiple options - for example, if you’re going to Jamaica for your honeymoon, I’ll share three resorts with you to consider that ALL are amazing and would give you a DREAM honeymoon.  For multi-city itineraries, I usually share ONE proposal for review that is the best match for your trip, and we can tweak it together if needed!

To share the proposal(s) with you, I record a video of my computer screen where I talk you through the ENTIRE proposal and explain different things, offer insight into your specific destination, and share my personal experiences as applicable!

My travelers LOVE this because it means you can pause the video, rewind, rewatch, and in general you can review your trip proposal on your OWN TIME.

After I’ve sent over this video, I wait to hear back from you!

We’ll do one of two things when you get back to me.  Either you’ll let me know that you need more information or to change something, and I’ll get to work on that - OR, you LOVE IT SO MUCH and you are ready to get your deposit made on this trip.

And once that deposit is on, you are OFFICIALLY BOOKED!

That’s another thing my travelers REALLY LOVE - I can usually pull together a package for you, which means you can book your ENTIRE trip with one deposit.  This is so much better on the wallet and the brain than having to pay in full for everything, and having to pay for 16 different things that you then have to keep in order.

Look for an email from me about your Adventure Portal page, where you can access your itinerary, travel documents, and your invoice all in one easy to access place. A lot of my couples save a bookmark to their page and can quickly and easily pull up everything they need right on their phone!

I do recommend paper copies to be printed out before your travel, just in case - and don’t forget to confirm your flights 24 hours before departure in case of schedule changes.

If we weren’t before, now we’re besties.  I’ll be in your inbox to check in with you, you’re more than welcome to send me a message at any time with questions, and I’ll keep you on schedule for making payments and other important dates!

ALL THAT’S LEFT FOR YOU TO DO is relax, look forward to your trip, and tell all your friends to message me to plan their adventures too so you can have more time to hang out together.


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