Fresh World Travel Co, a travel agency specializing in Italy

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For Busy Humans Seeking Authentic, Fulfilling Travel Experiences

Planning your next trip feels overwhelming, doesn’t it? You have a lot of great questions, but there’s only so much time in the day, and you aren’t sure where to start, and there’s just so much to figure out before you can make a decision.

You know that you want to have an amazing, immersive experience - you know that you deserve it, and you know that the people you’re traveling with do, too.

But here you are, spending hours online and winding up with more questions than you started with. You know you have to have the right documents, and figure out the best place to stay, and time out your itinerary so you can accomplish all your goals without winding up exhausted, and make sure everyone has a great time. On and on, and you’re stuck in loop of researching, second guessing, and researching some more.

Fresh World Travel Co. was created to empower travelers to take back the joy of your adventure, so you can focus on the important thing - having an incredible travel experience with the people you love.

Wondering what it’s actually like to work with a travel planner?

views over greece

Enjoy Every Moment of Your Trip - Even the Planning Process

With over ten years of planning my own travel all over the world and four years of planning travel for clients, I am well versed in the challenges that travel can pose - and how to plan ahead to avoid them while creating the best experience possible.

Placing emphasis on the uniqueness of each of my traveler’s needs means your trip will be curated specifically for you.

Whether you’re a first time traveler or a seasoned globe-trotter, you deserve to enjoy each moment of your adventure. From our first conversation to telling the stories after you’ve returned home, I’m committed to empowering you to reclaim the joy of your adventure - starting right now.

Feel Excited About Your Trip Again

It’s time for you to

italian cafe

Wonderful experience put together for us! Highly recommend if you are too busy to plan your vacation.


The Face Behind Fresh & Your New Travel Bestie

Meet Erin,

Growing up in a small town full of entrepreneurs, including both of my parents, I always knew I’d own my own business one day. Figuring out what that business would be turned out to be the hard part.

Senior year of college, I was receiving what felt like hundreds of rejections from 9-5 corporate jobs that I applied to because I thought I should. I finally stopped to wonder if I even wanted to spend my career behind a desk, requesting vacation time and working toward someone else’s dream.

With that answer being a hard NO, and knowing in my heart that the version of myself that I love best is me when I’m traveling, I had my answer.

Getting from that moment in my apartment, days before graduation to the excellence-driven travel designing entrepreneur that I am now has been a wild ride, and I know it's not even close to over. I absolutely love the work that I do, and I love empowering more people to travel the world in a more meaningful and impactful way.

I believe that you deserve to enjoy every moment of your vacation, destination wedding, honeymoon, family trip, or whatever else you’re celebrating with your travel. There’s so much life to enjoy on this beautiful planet we share - it’s time to offload the stress and reclaim the joy of your adventure.

Erin Jabrocki


erin walking toward camera with her suitcase, a small plane behind her

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It’s more than checking a box on your bucket list - it’s about intentionally experiencing every moment of your trip fully, because you deserve it.

As a travel designer, my focus is on YOU and your goals for your trip. When you hire Fresh World Travel Co. to research, plan, design, and manage your upcoming trip, you are investing in your dream travel experience.

Traditional travel agencies tend to prioritize their industry partners and steer travel clients toward itineraries that are cookie cutter and typical.

My travel design service focuses on YOU, your aspirations, and your perfect travel experience, whether it’s your Italian destination wedding, your honeymoon in Cabo, your 30 year anniversary on safari, or any adventure in between.

You’re worth it, and you deserve to reclaim the joy of your adventure.

Why Hire a Travel Designer?

elephants on safari

© FRESH WORLD TRAVEL CO., LLC 2020-2024 All Rights Reserved. Fresh World Travel Co., LLC and all of its Travel Advisors will make every effort to provide you unbiased opinions of suppliers and vendors. However, please note we are paid commission from certain suppliers. 

Fresh World Travel Co., LLC is a member in good standing of Travel Planners International, Signature Travel Network, DWHSA, CLIA, and ASTA